Dr. Leaf's Blog

5 Foods I Can't Live Without!

By Dr. Caroline Leaf on Aug 29, 2018

What Should We Eat? The answer to this question should be simple, but in today’s world it rarely is. There is always someone new telling us they have the solution to everyone’s dietary habits, suggesting that if we don’t follow their advice we will surely drop dead. 

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Want to Improve Your Health and Increase Intelligence? Have a Community Mindset!

By Dr. Caroline Leaf on Aug 22, 2018

Considering the polarized nature of society today, it is often difficult to know how to build community in our own neighborhoods.  Why is loving our neighbor important? Why should we care? Is community a necessary part of our mental and physical wellbeing?

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Stress is GOOD for you!

By Dr. Caroline Leaf on Aug 15, 2018

Did you know stress can actually be good for you? On the market today, there are countless programs, supplements and oils that “reduce stress”. However, the most powerful weapon against the toxic effects of stress is our mind. When we learn to harness the power of our thinking, we can deal with and overcome whatever life throws our way!

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Expectations Change the Structure of our Brains!

By Dr. Caroline Leaf on Aug 08, 2018

We have all heard the saying “be careful what you wish for”. Even though it usually has a negative connotation, that is sometimes you don’t really want to get what you wish for, it also shows how, on some level, we all recognize that our expectations can be powerful—for good or for bad.

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How to Improve Your Memory

By Dr. Caroline Leaf on Jul 31, 2018

Why do we remember some things and forget others things? Is there a way of improving memory? How do I learn? How can I be moreeffective in my business meetings, at work, and in life in general? Does my memory just get worse as I get older? Can I prevent this from happening?

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How to Become More Efficient and Effective in School, Work, and at Life!

By Dr. Caroline Leaf on Jul 25, 2018

When you truly understand how you think and how your mind works, you will learn how to maximize every minute of every day, and, as a result, become more efficient and effective at school, work, and life! You will learn how to make the best of any situation by knowing how to get yourself to focus, pay attention, and concentrate on the task at hand. 

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The Benefits of Alone Time

By Dr. Caroline Leaf on Jul 10, 2018

In a world that is fast-paced, demanding, and stressful, in a society that demands quick fixes and easy solutions, it is difficult to take the time to just think. 

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Want to Be Successful? Have an Attitude of Gratitude!

By Dr. Caroline Leaf on Jul 04, 2018

We all know it is good to stop and smell the roses every once in a while—to pause and realize how much we have be grateful for. But did you know that gratitude is essential to success? If you can’t appreciate what you have to be thankful for right now, it is harder to achieve what you desire in the future.

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